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What is a facelift?

A surgical facelift, also known as rhytidoplasty, tightens skin around your face, jawline and neck. The result is a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

We offer a bespoke solution tailored to your desired results and suitability. Your surgeon will discuss at length your desired outcome, the various types of facelifts available and share with you a portfolio of their work. Together, after considering your facial structure, skin quality and general health, you will choose the best course of treatment.

What does surgery involve?

Because our surgeons provide bespoke cosmetic surgery, not a 'one size fits all' approach, there are a number of facelift procedures available at St Joseph’s.

This surgery involves lifting sagging jowls and the neck with the excess skin being removed. A mini-facelift results in more defined jaw and neck lines.

This form of cosmetic surgery lifts the upper and lower face, removes excess skin and improves the appearance of deep lines and folds.

This surgery lifts the forehead, improving the appearance of deep lines and elevates the brows.

This form of cosmetic surgery restores the lower eyelid area and cheeks. Tired, sagging cheeks are lifted giving the face a rejuvenated appearance and this procedure can help with deep nasal folds.

This is a combination procedure designed to rejuvenate the face and eyelids.


Surgery typically takes between one and three hours, however more complex and extensive procedures can take longer.


Patients having a full facelift will often require a general anaesthetic, whilst other forms of facelift may require only a local anaesthetic and possibly sedation.

Your surgeon will typically make incisions behind and in front of the ears to minimise and conceal scarring.

In some cases the incisions extend onto the scalp.

The deeper layers of the face are repositioned and, depending on the type of procedure, muscle tightening and liposuction may be performed.

Depending on the procedure, patients may stay in hospital one or two nights.

Your surgeon will discuss the procedure, anaesthetic requirement and recovery in detail with you ahead of surgery and will be happy to answer all of your questions.

How soon will I recover?

It is recommended that you take one to two weeks off work however your surgeon will advise.

Exercise, straining and carrying heavy loads are to be avoided until advised by your surgeon. We also recommend refraining from smoking to aid the healing process.

Swelling and bruising is to be expected following surgery. Swelling should significantly reduce within a few days, and is aided by elevation, whilst bruising may take a few weeks to fade completely.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain relieving medication to manage any discomfort experienced.

What are the risks involved? 

Facelift surgery is a commonly performed and generally safe procedure.  Nonetheless, all surgery and anaesthetic have some risk associated. Risks to all surgeries include infection, excessive bleeding, adverse reaction to anaesthetic or blood clotting.

You will be left with visible scars following surgery, however they will gradually soften and fade over several months. Occasionally, patients develop a haematoma - bleeding under the skin - causing further swelling and pain.  In rare cases, further surgery is necessary to remove the haematoma and stop the bleeding.

In rare cases the facial nerves which run from the ear to the face muscles may be damaged during surgery. This may result in numbness and muscle weakness which usually resolves without further action, however may be permanent.

Finance payment plan

We are pleased to offer finance payment plans for this procedure. Find out more or call our team on 01633 820 344.

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