St Joseph’s Hospital staff rise to pandemic challenge
Date Posted: 9th September 2020

Hospitals across the world have had to deal with the complex issues brought about by COVID-19, and St Joseph’s in Newport is no exception.
The hospital, bought by a local private investor in February 2020, has been part of the collective effort against the pandemic collaborating in a formal partnership with NHS Wales to support the national response.
The hospital committed its entire staff, bed capacity, diagnostics, theatres, facilities, and expertise to support the NHS during these difficult times. St Joseph’s is continuing its commitment with 50% of the hospital’s services still dedicated to supporting the NHS. In the face of extraordinary challenges, healthcare has been transformed, but St Joseph’s mission to provide safe, high-quality care has remained.
Jan Green, Clinical Director, said: ‘St Joseph’s is a unique hospital, we have long been part of the local community here in Newport. It’s testament to our incredible staff who this year have risen to the challenge posed by COVID-19, and I am proud that we are able to work in partnership with NHS Wales’.
The hospital is also undergoing a major refurbishment programme, which will position it as one of the safest and best-equipped private hospitals in the UK. As a COVID-19 free environment, it is now able to welcome back private patients with safety at the heart of everything.
Jan Green added: ‘We are open again for private referrals. If you are concerned about a medical condition, it is vital you do not delay in seeking care. All our services are open to patients. All the safety measures are in place and we remain a COVID-free hospital’.
Undergoing treatment is worrying enough, without the added stress of COVID-19 and being on a waiting list. St Joseph’s offers over 350 treatments across 40 different specialities. From cardiology to ophthalmology and orthopaedics to general surgery, their nationally recognised consultant surgeons ensure first-class care.
St Joseph’s Hospital has re-emerged stronger and more capable. The hospital’s vision is to drive innovation and change in healthcare, transforming how patients are diagnosed, treated, and rehabilitated, resulting in the best possible care.
‘This is a momentous year for St Joseph’s’ commented Chief Executive Stuart Hammond. ‘The hospital is now under new ownership, with an immediate commitment to multi-million-pound investment, and we have significant plans for the future. In fact, we have never been in such a strong position as we move into our 75th year’.
Looking ahead, the hospital is also recruiting across a wide number of roles. ‘We have some of the UK’s most respected health professionals working here. As well as our leading consultants we are now recruiting staff into specialist nursing roles, theatre positions and administrative roles.’ Jan Green added.