St Joseph’s Hospital extend procedure portfolio
Date Posted: 8th March 2023

St Joesph’s Hospital are pleased to share that they have extended their procedure portfolio to include Specialist Weight Loss Management with the support of Mr Hari Nageswaran, Consultant UGI and Bariatric Surgery, and Verve Health Group. Specialist Weight Management is a researched and developed programme designed to support patients on their weight loss journey. All interventions offered are evidence-based.
If losing weight was as easy as eating less and exercising more, we wouldn’t struggle with our weight, but we often keep repeating patterns of dieting that leave us feeling like we’re failing. It’s not just down to your willpower or motivation. Research and years of clinical practice have found that the weight our body holds is much more complicated. Seeking assistance from healthcare professionals can support you on the journey.
Verve Health Group provides a range of specialist support at St Joseph’s Hospital, tailored to support your needs; the team help you to understand why your body is seeming to resist weight loss and to decide on an intervention that will help you to achieve your goals. From a gastric balloon that you swallow in a 20-minute procedure, without an endoscopy or anaesthetic, which leaves you feeling fuller and therefore eating less, to weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) which changes the hormone levels in your gut to reduce feelings of hunger and increase satisfaction after smaller portions. Verve Health Group also provide medication which replicates some of the effects of surgery and so is a great option for people for whom surgery isn’t suitable.
With years of clinical experience Verve Health Group’s specialist surgeons, dietitians, psychologists, and pharmacists will support you to make a sustainable change.